Video editing SDK version update log.

The following is our SDK version update log:

Lansong SDK updated to 4.2.8
1. The new version of AE template supports text layers
2. Video editing SDK adds MV transparent animation layer;
3. Layer rotation supports angle settings greater than 360 degrees or less than 0 degrees;
4. Update the acquisition of thumbnails, which can be triggered as the container duration changes;
5. Add key frame animation function. Can do key frame animation on layer rotation/movement/zoom/transparency;
6. Optimize the adjustment speed, the speed value range can be finely adjusted, the range is 0.1---10.0;
7. Optimize the adjustment API such as brightness and contrast
8. The new version of AE template ios version API is changed to asynchronous working mode: updateAexImage in aexComposition is changed to asynchronous call updateAexImageAsync, aex needs to be buffered before being called: prepareModuleAsync

Lansong AE template SDK updated to: 4.2.5
1. Launch a new AE template synthesis SDK
2. New AE template SDK. Support changing while playing, adjusting while playing;
3. Support to select the picture or video being played, directly replace and adjust directly;
4. Provide UI similar to the APP UI interface of "Cut Screen, Cut Same Style".
5. Optimization of other codes

 Lansong Video Editing SDK updated to: 4.2

1. Add entry animation, exit animation, and designated point animation. The animation can be previewed, the duration can be set, can be increased multiple times, and can be extended with Ae

2. Add special effects function, special effects can be previewed, duration and start time can be set, and Ae can be extended

3. For example, the function of superimposing text, text can be set background color, font, color, stroke, etc.;

4. Increase the demonstration function of Xunfei voice recognition, which can convert the sound in the video into text and superimpose it on the corresponding position;

 android version

1. Add entry animation, exit animation, and designated point animation. The animation can be previewed, the duration can be set, can be increased multiple times, and can be extended with Ae

2. Add special effects function, special effects can be previewed, duration and start time can be set, and Ae can be extended

3. For example, the function of superimposing text, text can be set background color, font, color, stroke, etc.;

4. The removeLayer is renamed to removeLayerAsync, and the deletion of the layer is changed to asynchronous deletion;

5. Rename removeAudioLayer to removeAudioLayerAsync to delete the sound layer asynchronously;

6. Add the list of all layers of stitching, add the list of all overlays, and add the list of all sound layers

7. Increase the duration of the synthesis container to change the monitoring;

8. Change the original assetXXX variable name to originalXXX, which means: original width and height, original duration, etc., which is more intuitive and easy to understand;

9. Change layerDurationUs to displayDurationUs, which means: the display duration, which is more intuitive and easy to understand;

10. Get thumbnails, getThumbnailList() changed to getDisplayThumbnailList(); meaning: get an array of displayed thumbnails, intuitive and easy to understand;

ios version API changes

1. Add entry animation, exit animation, and designated point animation. The animation can be previewed, the duration can be set, can be increased multiple times, and can be extended with Ae

2. Add special effects function, special effects can be previewed, duration and start time can be set, and Ae can be extended

3. For example, the function of superimposing text, text can be set background color, font, color, stroke, etc.;

4. Increase the demonstration function of Xunfei voice recognition, which can convert the sound in the video into text and superimpose it on the corresponding position;

5. Synthesis container class: LSOVideoComposition is changed to LSOConcatComposition; meaning: splicing synthesis, consistent with the android side;

6. Change the durationS variable of the splicing container to compDurationS;

7. After insertConcatLayerWithArray returns asynchronously, the newly added layer object is returned; the bool insert before and after flags are added in the callback;

8. The cutTimeFromStartWithLayer of the synthesis container is changed to the absolute time point of the video material itself;

9. In order not to cause ambiguity, change the name of LSOCompositionView to LSODisplayView; meaning: this view is only a display view;

10. Change the original assetXXX variable name to originalXXX, which means: original width and height, original duration, etc., which is more intuitive and easy to understand;

Lansong Video Editing SDK is upgraded to version 4.1
-The layer supports gesture operations, you can select, move with one finger, zoom with two fingers, and rotate with two fingers;

-Add mosaic area settings,

-Added transition preview, transition duration settings, and optimized insert/overlay layers. Support for image/video transitions, support for all applications

-Gif layer adds sub-layer settings.

-Masking supports masking of transparent and semi-transparent pictures.

-Android and ios use LSOLayer as the layer name, and no longer distinguish between image or video layers;

-Abandon various unrelated classes and APIs such as CanvasLayer/ViewLayer.

-Other code optimization

Lansong Short Video SDK is upgraded to version 4.0
-It is a major version upgrade.

-Refactored the entire SDK, the new API starts with LSO, and rewrites the video synthesis class LSOConcatCompositionView

-After importing the video, the synthesis preview class is extremely fast, almost as smooth as silk, you can be accurate to every frame at any time.

-The new API layer at the beginning of LSO, inherited from LSOLayer, 90% of the functions are called in one line, such as setting the speed setVideoSpeed, setting the reverse order setVideoReverse, etc.

-Added image sequence layer, android is LSOBitmapListLayer, iOS is LSOImageArrayLayer, you can add multiple image sequences as a layer;

-The new version of the API can be suspended at any time, and various layers can be added or deleted after the suspension;

-The new version of the API supports transitions, supports image and video hybrid splicing, supports insert, replace, and delete spliced ​​layers;

-After setting, you can directly call startExport one line of code to export, and support export resolution setting;

-The old version of the API remains unchanged and can still be used;

Lansong Short Video SDK  to 3.8.5
-VideoOneDo2 is optimized for 32-bit so library files.
-Fully rewrite the sound layer.
-Various small details optimization.

Android update

-The underlying decoders of VideoOneDo2 and DrawPadAllExecute2 are updated.
-DrawPadAllExecute2 supports the entire Ae template as a layer.
-DrawPadAllExecute2 supports json as a layer.
-The video replacement function of the Ae template supports four zoom modes of the video.
-Various small details optimization.

 upgraded to 3.8.0

-The addAnimation in the parent class Layer is changed to addAnimationOLD
AudioLayer addAudioLayer(String srcPath, long startFromPadUs, long startAudioTimeUs, long durationUs) is changed to:
AudioLayer addAudioLayer(String srcPath, long startFromPadUs,long startAudioTimeUs, long endAudioTimeUs);
The last parameter is the end time of the cutting duration, not the duration, please pay attention!!!
-Optimize the DrawPadAllExecute2 class.
-Optimize transition DrawPadConcatView, mask transition support json file
-Video sublayers can be individually set to the specified layer position.
-Optimize video resource class, LSOVideoAsset class.
-Optimized replacement video of AE template.
-This version is our last version before the design specification is released. In the future, our SDK will be revised with a new version.

-Separate the layer structure of SDK and FFMPEG, and provide them with two frameworks respectively.
-Transition animation maskAnimation supports json files.

 upgraded to 3.7.6
-Added layer control classes LayerTouchView and LayerTouchItem when previewing, you can zoom/rotate/move a layer with your fingers; [Major Update]
-Fully update the underlying decoding library [major update]
-Optimize MV layer and Gif layer
-OnGetVideoThumbnailListener changed to: OnGetVideoThumbnailListener monitor;
-Add a separate video reverse order
-Ae template function adds positioning (seeking), reading thumbnails, rendering progress callback, etc.
-LanSongTransformFilter adds 3D rotation
-VideoOneDo2 adds custom container size
-Other code optimization

 upgraded to 3.6.8

The parent layer Layer: setRotate method, modified to clockwise rotation angle.
AE template synthesis class AeCompositionView: optimized for extremely fast export, the fastest export can be 0.01 seconds after preview.
AE template synthesis class AeCompositionView: Add pause/resume playback/add rendering progress callback.
LSOAeDrawable: Add image input path function to save the memory occupied by image objects;
The image layer BitmapLayer adds the input path function.
Picture layer BitmapLayer adds picture sequence animation input;
Adapted to Android 10.0 system (Google Pixel phone)
Optimize other codes.
Re-Ae template synthesis class, the new name is LSOAECompositionView. [New major update]
LSOAeCompositionView supports extremely fast export, and the fastest export can be 0.01 seconds after previewing.
LSOAeCompositionView supports functions such as pause resume, buffering, rendering progress, etc.
LSOAeView adds image path input.
Optimize other codes.

upgraded to 3.6.1

Ae template supports multiple json splicing.
The Ae template supports cutting time and supports cutting in a specified time period;
Ae template supports Gaussian blur, (blur without key frame)
When previewing Ae template, buffer callback is supported.
Ae template adds two json presentation files.
(The above demonstration is in
Optimize AudioPadExecute, various callbacks, and move to
Optimize other codes.

Optimize the MV layer.
The camera layer adds photos and leads to naked data.
Optimize Ae template
Solve the problem that yellow and blue will fade during processing.
Optimize other codes.
Rewrite the Ae preview composition class and name it AECompositionView, the composition speed after preview is increased by 300%.
Re-DrawPadAllExecute, named DrawPadAllExecute2, supports video pre-cropping and scaling;
Video playback adds voice change function, audio layer adds voice change function.
Move VideoPlayer to the internal jar, and modify various callbacks to OnLSOPlayer [API changes]
The maximum original width and height limit of the picture in the Ae template is 1200x1920
Optimize other codes.
Changes in the Android API.


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